diumenge, 5 de juny del 2016

Romeo and Juliet. Book or film?

Reflect about the film and the book. DIFFERENCES.

1-The first difference of the film and the book is the sitting. The original version, the book, is situated in Verona, city of Italy in 16th century. And then, the film takes place in Verona Beach, in United States of America, in 20th century.
The place of the film(Verona Beach)

2-In film, we can see a lot of metaphors and imagen, that explains to us the symbolism of original story of Romeo and Juliet. For example, the water appears when Juliet and Romeo are toghether for first time, it gives them privacy. We can see water in the love scenes, like in the simming pool, aquarium... So I think that makes peace in the scene and makes the atmosphere of love. And otherwise the fire represents the hatred between two families, the Montagues and Capulets. It makes the violence, aggressiveness and finally the tragedy, like the first scene in the petrol station, it is a fight between the servents of the two families. 

The day maybe is the point of realizing all. At the night happen the worst things, and then, on the day the people saw this things and they realize. The day is like a symbol of light, so that the truth comes to lights.

3- In the film everybody speaks in verse, but the character who emphasize the verse are Juliet, Romeo and Friar Laurence. 
The narrator is the "News". In the film they uses the news to explain in all moment what happens in general.

4-The Fancy Dress Party.
  • Romeo dresses like a knight for this goodness and loyalty. He represents a good character, good person. 
  • Juliet wears a costume of angel. It represents her purity and that she is naive.
  • Tybalt is dressed with a costume of a devil. He is a demon so it wears a costume that represents his.
  • Mercutio wears like a prostitute or like a girl. He wears a really weird dress... So he is very crazy and funny! 
5- In the film we can found a lot of elements. So to make the new version, basic elements have been changed.

  • The swords are changed for the guns. But the name is the same "Sword" 
  • The Prince are changed for the police man, and the noble families are changed fot rich families. It isn't a nobility, sp it is changed. 
  • The horses for the cars. 
  • And finally the plague is changed for a problem with the post office. 
6- Another differences of the classical version and the film version for me is the ambient or the environment of the city, the places... But even so I can see the same in the characters. So I think that it is a good film. But not like the book!!

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