dimecres, 14 de desembre del 2016

Why is “death” a taboo in western culture?

Now, in our culture, ‘western culture’, it is so difficult to speak about “death”. But death is a normal cycle in life, I mean, if you are born to live, you should die, shouldn’t you? So, why are we so scandalized or afraid with our death? The answer is because we feel fear to the loss of an important person? Is it because we are afraid to lose our youth? Or maybe is it because we don’t know what is going on after death?

Well, we don’t know what the other people think and that can not be the same in all people, right? So now, I will say what I think about death.

Personally, I would define the death like a “physical death”, well, of course I don’t actually know what death is, but I think death is not a real death, or at least it sounds much better than a simple and cold death. However, it is clear to me that I, in particular, or a normal person, don’t think, or maybe don’t pay attention day to day that we live everyday with death in our backs. We are not aware, because we never see that. As I see it, only a special person, that has lived a special contact or moment with Death, can be the person who talks about death. But I can only say why I think people are afraid of death.

Resultado de imagen de taboo death
First of all, in my view, people don’t talk about death with another person because this person is hurt, he or she has lost a close friend or a familiar… so we don’t know how we should talk with them about the loss of these person, so we avoid the talk. What is more, we avoid the talk even when the supposed loss has been overcome. Maybe because it is so hard for us, or maybe because it is so hard for them to remember all the pain, or perhaps it is so hard for us remember that one day, however far the moment is, in the end we are going to die, so we fake that death doesn’t exist.

Finally, when you die, you leave this world, and you never return, so nobody else knows what is on the “other side” or even if it is there, and we can only cry, and suffer the loss that we love. Although I think, we are crying the loss, or we are crying because we don’t know where they go, or if they will be fine or bad?

It is not over, and never will until I die and find the answers, but unluckily I can’t tell you the answers. So maybe it is better don’t talk anymore.