dissabte, 27 de maig del 2017

Three suns in the sky

There is a news from Mongolia, where appeared something strange in the sky, a celestial phenomenon. It seems like there were three suns in the sky, well literally there were, WOW, amazing!

It is so weird to explain, well the middle sun was actually the real one, but the others, on the left and the right were just a smaller reflections of the real sun. I mean, there were not real.

Then a local meteorological centre explained that this phenomenon is actually an optical phenomenon, known as an "anthelion", which means that the high sunshine in the sky and the light passing through snow crystals in the air caused the reflection of the others two.

It appears only when very specific conditions are given, for example, the anhelion can appear but the temperature must be lower than -30ºC, and the air must be filled with vapour and clouds (ice crystals.)

Well, I really do not know what I can say in my 'opinion', it is a real phenomenon, one of the many that our home, the Earth, has. I would like in a moment of my life, live something like this, and used it to respect even more the place where we live, because it is really a box of surprises. And the nature has more than we can see offering to us, so please, live and enjoy it, but especially respect it.

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