First it was fire for prehistorical human beings, then it was writing, finally electricity (among others). Now, what has changed our world and society is Internet. Is Internet going to improve our world as the others discoverings did?

On one hand -and only hand for a lot of people- we have the obvious advantatges, like the whole world immediate communication or the access to all kind of imaginable information (usefull or not, depending what you look for).
On the other hand, Internet makes our lives so much easier that we are letting them control us. Often, everything that makes things easier ends becoming an enemy because it reduces us -human beings or privacity- at our minimum capacity of what we are and what we can do. And we can do a lot by ourselves.
Consequently, Internet is making us believe that we can't do or know a lot; and as result our behavior is getting worse because we trust Internet too much instead of ourselves.
In conclusion I think Internet can not change the world for the better because it's damaging the poeple on it too badly. We should find a balance. Figure out what we can do by ourselves and don't trust these actions to Internet or our smartphones for example. By this way we would become less dependant on it (it's clear that a big part of the population IS dependant) and we would learn that we are so worth it.
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